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The Sword In The Stars

A noble king leaves a door open for evil. The disastrous consequences impact generations, leaving the throne of Anglinore to a wicked despot, the kingdom in ruins, and Aravel’s son, Loch, in exile. Book 1 in The Dark Sea Annals fantasy series by Wayne Thomas Batson.
· November 2010 · for

Creatures that defy imagination, and choices great and terrible.

A noble king discovers what happens when he leaves a door open for evil. The disastrous consequences impact generations, leaving the throne of Anglinore to a wicked despot, the kingdom in ruins, and Aravel’s son, Loch, in exile.

Haunted by memories of a violent past, Alastair Coldhollow wagers his life on the hope that a sword will appear in the stars and the foretold Halfainin, the Pathwalker, will come. Meanwhile, tensions simmer between Anglinore and the murderous Gorrack Nation, threatening war on a cataclysmic scale. The fate of all could rest on an abandoned child and the decisions of those who desperately seek to identify him.

Book 1, The Dark Sea Annals series – middle grade traditional fantasy

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