Christian Sci Fi/Fan Blog Tour—Kathy Tyers

Any new venture has its pioneers, and Kathy Tyers is one of the Christian science fiction writers I’d call a pioneer. Along with a small handful of others, she paved the way for the rest of us spec fic writers. […]
originally published at Speculative Faith

Any new venture has its pioneers, and Kathy Tyers is one of the Christian science fiction writers I’d call a pioneer. Along with a small handful of others, she paved the way for the rest of us spec fic writers. It seems especially fitting, then, to feature her on a pioneer CSFF team blog for a pioneer promoting effort with the CSFF Blog Tour.

The thing that Tyers brings with her pioneer status is quality. From her first venture into the publishing world of fiction, she received acclaim. Then, as God directed, she brought that ability into writing for the CBA. (Read Kathy’s bio at her web site.

In an article explaining some of her thinking about the task of writing as a Christian, she said the following:

To set this lamp on a lampstand, and do it effectively, would mean to address not just the Christian market but a wider audience that is used to the general media. It would mean telling excellent, well-written stories without appearing sappy or (heaven help me) naïve, but without thickening the calluses on my own soul. I think that when we as Christian authors learn to accomplish that, we will be taken seriously and we will make a serious difference in the entertainment marketplace.

Tyers’s latest CSFF offering published in the CBA is the Firebird Trilogy (Bethany, 2004). Packaged now as one book, the trilogy was “rewritten as Kathy would have liked to write them in the first place.”

To read more about Tyers and the Firebird Trilogy, visit other blogs participating in this three-day tour:

John J. Boyer

Valerie Comer

Bryan Davis

Beth Goddard

Rebecca Grabill

Leathel Grody

Karen Hancock

Elliot Hanowski

Katie Hart

Sherrie Hibbs

Sharon Hinck

Pamela James

Jason Joyner

Tina Kulesa

Rachel Marks

Shannon McNear

Rebecca LuElla Miller

Cheryl Russel

Mirtika Schultz

Stuart Stockton

Steve Trower

Best known for her aspirations as an epic fantasy author, Becky is the sole remaining founding member of Speculative Faith. Besides contributing weekly articles here, she blogs Monday through Friday at A Christian Worldview of Fiction. She works as a freelance writer and editor and posts writing tips as well as information about her editing services at Rewrite, Reword, Rework.
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