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Dream of Kings, Sharon Hinck

Dream of Kings

Jolan the dream teller faces a decision that could cost her the man she loves, her calling, and her freedom—all to save a people who abandoned her.
“Sharon Hinck’s novel Dream of Kings fantastically reimagines the biblical Joseph narrative, drawing readers into a vivid world of political intrigue and faith struggles.”


As the invasion of human forces looms, Jason, Koren, and Elyssa struggle to alert the soldiers to an unforeseen menace on the planet of Starlight.


As a Starlighter, Koren knows her destiny is to save her fellow human slaves from the dragons’ bondage, but has she doomed her people and herself?


The Dragon Prince Has Hatched In book two of the Dragons of Starlight series, the stakes are raised when the foretold prince is crowned. While Koren and Jason race to the Northlands of Starlight to find the one person who […]