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1. Enclave Publishing

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the upcoming imprint Sky Turtle.

Echo Nova by Clint Hall

Dash Keane is about to become the biggest star in history.

As a poor teenager living in the Dregs, Dash Keane can only escape his dismal reality by competing in illegal rooftop races and staying up late to watch the timenet with his younger brother.

When there is an opportunity to participate in a competition set thousands of years in the past, he uses his rooftop racer skills to catch the eye of Mr. Myrtrym, head of entertainment for the massive Dominus Corporation.

It is the chance of a lifetime when Dominus Corp. hires Dash to be a timestar—the focus of his own series in which he must survive some of the most dangerous periods in history, including the Cretaceous, feudal Japan, the Wild West, and the Golden Age of Piracy.

But when empathy for the people of the past conflicts with the desires of his new employer, he must decide whether the price of fame is worth it, a decision that may cost him everything.

Enclave Escape presents Echo Nova by Clint Hall. Available now wherever fantastic books are sold. Ask for it at your favorite bookseller or order it online at Amazon or from

Also available in audio from Oasis Audio.

Oasis Family Media houses Oasis Audio, a leading publisher of inspirational and family-friendly audiobooks for adults and children. The Oasis catalog includes more than 1,200 titles, adding 175 new audiobooks annually—from popular children’s series to romance and suspense fiction to business and self-help titles.

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the new imprint Sky Turtle Press.

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