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1. Enclave Publishing

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the upcoming imprint Sky Turtle.

The Nightmare Virus by Nadine Brandes

Some viruses go after the body. But the Nightmare Virus goes after the mind.

When dream technology goes wrong, a virus spreads across the globe, trapping people in a universal dreamscape. They call it the Nightmare Virus.

Cain Cross is determined to find a cure… if he can decipher his brother’s chicken-scratch formula notes. But when he gets infected, he has only 22 days until he’s trapped in the mental prison forever. Now, every time he falls asleep, he must fight in a Nightmare Arena until he earns his freedom to live in the “new world” that exists only in the mind.

Then he finds a way to manipulate the Nightmare—to change it by mere thought. Forced to navigate a world of nightbeasts, mistblades, and half-truths, Cain turns his focus to survival. Will he continue searching for a cure, or will he swear allegiance to the Nightmare? And the bigger question might be . . . will he even have a choice?

Enclave Escape presents The Nightmare Virus, by award-winning author, Nadine Brandes. Available now wherever fantastic books are sold on July 16th. Order online or ask for it at your favorite bookseller or your local library. Enclave Publishing is a division of Oasis Family Media.

Also available in audio from Oasis Audio.

Oasis Family Media houses Oasis Audio, a leading publisher of inspirational and family-friendly audiobooks for adults and children. The Oasis catalog includes more than 1,200 titles, adding 175 new audiobooks annually—from popular children’s series to romance and suspense fiction to business and self-help titles.

Oasis Family Media owns Enclave Publishing and Oasis Audio as well as the new imprint Sky Turtle Press.

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2. The Katrosi Revolution Series

In book 3 of The Katrosi Revolution, Lotusfall, thrones have been toppled and battles won, but the war of the gods is only just beginning.

Imagine being able to read Game of Thrones without the guilt, and not everyone has to die. In the epic fantasy quartet The Katrosi Revolution, the elementals have decided they’re gods, and humans are fuel for their fire. Now this latest novel from Jamie Foley, Lotusfall, will release this summer.

Thrones have been toppled and battles won, but the war of the gods is only just beginning.

The heir to the wolf-tyrant

Faced with a heritage of violence, Rhu Sousuke lives in defiance of his father’s evil—and his inherited attraction to elemental power.

His adoptive father offers a better path. But with the blood of false gods burning through his veins, can Sousuke harness enough power to protect Imperial Princess Vylia and simultaneously resist the temptation that corrupted his ancestors?

The Jade Witch

The Darkwood seek justice for their fallen kin. Together at last but on the run, Brooke and Lysander flee Jadenvive in the midst of political turmoil. Determined to aid her people even while facing rejection, Brooke choses to trust Felix’s directive to locate Lillian’s ancient vault and steal her most prized possession: the future-seeing dreamcatcher.

The lady god-slayer

Kira found everything she never knew she wanted. Now, the choice remains: hide with Ryon and pray for the war to end favorably, or risk it all to do what is right.

Visit Emberhawk.com to find the Lotusfall hardcover, paperback, ebook, or audiobook. Or pre-order directly from the publisher at FayettePress.com to get a signed copy and some super-sweet swag.

Lorehaven may use referral links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.

3. Lorehaven Open World

Coming this July 18–20 to the Realm Makers event, the Lorehaven Booth will get gameified, with levels of challenges and fantastical prizes.

Coming this July 18–20 to the Realm Makers event, the Lorehaven Booth will get gameified.

Attenders of this famed creators’ conference can stop by the Realm Makers Bookstore and meet our NPCs.1

There we shall assign you challenging quests at three difficulty levels, to earn fantastical points and prizes:

  1. Debut quests. Share your story. Subscribe for updates. Join the Lorehaven Guild. Great for new attenders.
  2. Fetch quests. Visit other booths. Collect hidden tokens. Take special photos. For more experienced players.
  3. Boss battles. Trade in your resources. Retrieve the most books. And beyond. For the most ambitious players.

What’s in it for you? Valuable XP, of course, which you can exchange for:

  1. Lorehaven buttons and stickers
  2. Our in-game currency of magic medallions
  3. Top prizes like book satchels and hand-crafted drinking vessels

Even if you don’t attend this year’s Realm Makers conference, if you’re near St. Louis on Saturday, July 20, stop by for the free Book Festival!

  1. These said NPCs include but are not limited to: Lorehaven publisher E. Stephen Burnett, creation relations director Lacy Burnett, chief engineer Zackary Russell, and staff writer and author Marian Jacobs.
Lorehaven may use referral links. As an Amazon Associate, we earn from qualifying purchases.