Discover 1,366 listed novel titles
and 328 reviews
of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Emlyn’s life is upended when she is pulled through a portal into the fantasyland of her childhood imaginings—a magical library holding the storyworlds of every story ever published.
In this cheekily meta look at young adult fiction, Lindsay A. Franklin sincerely tackles themes of grief and insecurity while providing laugh-out-loud moments.
In a dystopian alternate reality known as World City, a young man’s faith is rekindled, and he sets out on a quest to overthrow the tyrannical King and finally set the city free from his evil grasp.
An ordinary high school senior in Nazareth, Pennsylvania, is pursued by ruthless zealots and secret government agents after he learns he may be the clone of Jesus Christ.
A 13th-century Spanish teen and heir to the stone of healing, wants to bring justice to the medieval world that killed his parents, but he discovers the true owners of the healing stone have other plans.
Amidst the turmoil of a looming royal wedding and the threat of dark magic, squire-turned-investigator Cole and aspiring songstress Mistel must unravel the mystery of a brutal murder before they become the next targets.
Jack Reynolds must fight against his greatest fear as a legendary warrior’s unrelenting power threatens the destruction of everything and everyone he loves.
Superhero Sam volunteers at a cat shelter and devotes himself to taming a feral cat as well as gaining the trust of his new co-volunteer … but what will he do when he discovers they are one and the same?
Sephone Winter fights to reclaim her soul as her gift spirals out of control and the deadly poison coursing through her veins begins to exact its terrible vengeance.
J. J. Fischer draws on themes explored in the Calor and Lumen, delving into deep themes of forgiveness, healing from trauma, and trusting the unknown.
Oz must confront both his brother’s corruption and his own crippling self-doubt to become the leader no one—including himself—ever thought he could be.
As armies of nightmarish beasts led by their traitorous brethren descend upon them, the seven members of 1-1-8 will need every resource, gift, and tactical decision to survive.
Alexis slowly begins to embrace her new reality after being abruptly recruited to a mystical Island within the Kingdom of Euangelion where humans enjoy immunity and immortality.
Father Curtis, priest of the Order of the Eternal, seeks solace in his secluded parish, sheltered from the oppressive regime. But then, unjustly branded a heretic, he must flee for his life.
Desperate to embrace her newfound Luvesti heritage and leave her past behind, Amyrah discovers that darkness’s reach is long and the battle in her own heart could decide the fate of Atsun.
For the first time in history, a queen has rejected the game. Eliza will start her reign with no alliances while Althea must fight to save her tenuous bond with the king who cannot love.
Victoria McCombs continues to craft a complicated game of characters playing across The Fae Dynasty series.
Reuben Jackson will make a stand for the Mars team—even against the powerfully united politicians and scientists.
Shannon McDermott’s novel The Time Door transplants the seeds of political thriller into the soils of near-future sci-fi, exploring one decaying civilization in light of another.
When seventeen-year-old Sahara O’Saughnessy discovers a rift into the realm of lore, the most haunting stories she’s been telling her friends come to life.
As a vengeful enchantress, fiery monster, and impending war threaten the Undersea Realm, Locklyn and Darin must decide what they are willing to sacrifice in order to stop the locket’s revenge.
Thanks to favorite heroes returning from The Mermaid’s Tale, joined by new arrivals, this ocean is full of vibrant and memorable life.
When an 1800s coal town girl grows antlers, she lives in shame and isolation until she meets a moth-winged boy who knows her secret–and has secrets of his own.
Jorrin has only five days to find his missing friend. But it won’t be easy to find a lost star in the dangerous city of Bash-al Feret, ruled by Rahim Padishah, the immortal ruler who hungers for stardust.