/ Library / Novelists /Adam Graham

Ultimate Mid-Life Crisis

What happens when a superhero endures a midlife crisis?

Powerhouse Hard Pressed

Dave Johnson’s dreams have come true. He’s taken Seattle by storm as Powerhouse. But Mitch “the Pharaoh” Farrow wants to turn Dave’s dream into a nightmare.

Fly Another Day

Repentant superhero Dave Johnson must resume his alter ego, Powerhouse, and with the help of local churches fight crime, poverty, fatherlessness, and the CEO of Dorado Incorporated. Book 1 of the Adventures of Powerhouse series, superhero fantasy for all ages.


Gizile follows her mysterious teacher, Tok, as they look into the ice of an ocean pool to contemplate a series of strange and mystical visions. Book 1 of the Splashdown science fiction and fantasy series, short-story compilation for all ages.

Tales Of The Dim Knight

Janitor and superhero fanboy Dave Johnson gets all his wishes at once when he’s given supernatural powers. Follow him as he fights crime and corruption while trying to keep his family together and avoid being sued for copyright infringement. By Adam and Andrea Graham.