The Ravaged Realm

Karac Tor stands on the brink of civil war and despair. A true prophet must be found, but he’s lost…somewhere in North America.

The Song Of Unmaking

The Barlow brothers are growing stronger and stronger in their powers — all except for Ewan, who traded his gift away to save the lives of his friends.

Corus The Champion

With Nemesia’s defeat, the Barlows have helped turn the tide in the Hidden Lands. But an even greater evil stirs in the north with a fierce new army bent on destruction. Book 2 in the Legends Of Karac Tor young-adult fantasy series, by D. Barkley Briggs.

The Book Of Names

In the Hidden Lands of Karac Tor, names are being stolen. Darkness spreads. As strange new powers awaken within, will the Barlows reluctantly answer the call to fight? Book 1 of The Legends of Karac Tor, young adult fantasy by D. Barkley Briggs.
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