/ Library / Novelists /Fred Warren

Avenir Eclectia, Volume 1

The Avenir: once a generational ship, now a crowded residential station and dominating force over a broken world. Its people have nearly forgotten Earth.

The Seer

Are Stan Marino’s daughter’s disturbing visions of the future a lifesaving gift, or a curse that will draw him back to the war he can’t hope to win?


Gizile follows her mysterious teacher, Tok, as they look into the ice of an ocean pool to contemplate a series of strange and mystical visions. Book 1 of the Splashdown science fiction and fantasy series, short-story compilation for all ages.

Odd Little Miracles

Follow author Fred Warren through the twists and turns of twenty-two bizarre tales, where odd is commonplace, little things make all the difference, and miracles are everywhere, if you know where to look. Short story collection, fantasy and science fiction for teen readers and older.

The Muse

Stan Marino needs a muse. He’s written himself into a corner … again. A shot of inspiration is all he needs to finish his story … where is he going to find it? What Stan doesn’t know: Inspiration has found him. And it’s about to take over his life. Contemporary fantasy for teen readers and older.