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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by Sharon Hinck
Jolan the dream teller faces a decision that could cost her the man she loves, her calling, and her freedom—all to save a people who abandoned her.
Sharon Hinck’s novel Dream of Kings fantastically reimagines the biblical Joseph narrative, drawing readers into a vivid world of political intrigue and faith struggles.
Freeing the villagers of the bondage they’ve chosen may cost Carya and Brantley more than they could have imagined.
Sharon Hinck skillfully dances through competing storylines of witnessing, spiritual doubts, coping with a life-altering disability, and exploring a new world.
Eager to serve the One, a young songkeeper travels to the dark and foreign nation of Hazor, but her confusing, rough-edged companion has lost his Restorer gifts.
The world he knew is gone. Confident in his new Restorer signs, Jake crosses the portal into Lyric to stage a heroic rescue. But everything has changed.
Susan Mitchell sees herself as an ordinary soccer mom, until she’s pulled through a portal into another world, where a nation waits for a promised Restorer.