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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels by Stephen R. Lawhead
It is the ultimate quest for the ultimate treasure. Chasing a map tattooed on human skin. Across an omniverse of intersecting realities. To unravel the future of the future.
Stephen R. Lawhead’s The Skin Map (2013) intersperses time travel and world-hopping sequences with quiet character-building moments that give this series opener a slow-burn thrill.
Aided by Friar Tuck and his small but determined band of forest-dwelling outlaws, Rhi Bran ignites a rebellion that spreads through the Welsh valleys, forcing the wily monarch to marshal his army.
For centuries, the legend of Robin Hood and his band of thieves has captivated the imagination. Now the familiar tale takes on new life, fresh meaning, and an unexpected setting.
History revolves around the life of a peasant born in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago. But what if that never happened … until now? Special Agent Alex Hunter’s efforts bring him to the brink of the most important discovery of his life. Biblical / alternate history thriller for teen readers.
In 21st-century England, a power-hungry prime minister is about to destroy the British monarchy. But a young captain, James Arthur Stuart, is not the commoner he believed himself to be—he is King Arthur, reborn.
Arthur is grievously injured—until a secret relic is brought before the dying King; a Holy Grail that heals his wounds and restores his vigor. But soon evil enters the royal court in the guise of a beautiful maiden.
Arthur is King—but darkest evil has descended upon Britain’s shores in many guises. Meanwhile, his most trusted counselor Merlin is himself to be tested on a mystical journey through his own extraordinary past.
American graduate student Lewis Gillies accidentally crosses through a mystical gateway where two worlds meet: into the time-between-times, as the ancient Celts called it.
He was Arthur, Pendragon of the Isle of the Mighty. His courage would be lauded; his enemies, legion; his reign, legendary. Yet, in the midst of virtue, an evil would arise to challenge Britain’s most brilliant Crown.
Born of a union between druid and faery, Merlin was trained as a bard and schooled in the ways of battle. But his heart and calling were greater than a warrior’s.
Taliesin is the remarkable adventure of Charis, the Atlantean princess who escaped the terrible devastation of her homeland, and of the fabled seer and druid prince Taliesin, singer at the dawn of the age.
Orion Treet determines to return to Dome after his brief respite among the peaceable, graceful Fieri. No one but Orion and a handful of rebels seriously believes that Dome will carry out its threat to annihilate Fierra. Book 2 in the Empyrion series, science fiction for adult readers.
Orion Treet, an itinerant and often-unemployed writer, is abducted at gunpoint. Then he is offered eight million dollars and a mission: to observe and chronicle the growth of a new extraterrestrial colony: Empyrion. Book 1 in the Empyrion series, science fiction for adult readers.
Sleep scientist Dr. Spence Reston’s experiments give him dreams in his waking hours. Thus begins a battle for the future of the universe, in which the fate of humankind hangs on the fragile sanity of one man.