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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Prince Titus, son of King Tyrone and Queen Tristine, is kidnapped, and the suspects are Tunlundian pirates. But what do they want with a 7-year-old boy?
Determined to save her father, Tristine meets two unlikely allies: a blacksmith and a crippled beggar. But how can they stop a coup? And what will become of the Great King? Book 4 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
Emperor Kamu sends an ambassador to Allon offering a royal marriage between his daughter and sixteen-year-old Prince Nigel. But soon, strange things start happening. Book 3 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
With the Dark Way defeated, King Ellis starts restoring the House of Tristan. To him and Shannan, a son and heir is born, Prince Nigel. But not all is blissful in Allon. The Dark Way doesn’t die easily. Book 2 of the Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.
The land of Allon was a paradise until the fall of the Guardians paved the way for the rise of the Dark Way. But an ancient prophecy speaks of a time to come when the Guardians will return and Allon will be restored — led by its rightful heir. Book 1 of the ​Allon series, fantasy for teen readers and older.