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The Fall Of Lucifer

Soon the universe itself will be rocked by war between three angelic brothers for the greatest prize in the universe. It will be a war for the race of man.

Final Confrontation

The prophecy of the Coming One has now been fulfilled. Lucifer realizes that any hope to win the war is slipping away and decides upon a desperate gamble — he will have to face the Son personally. Book 4 of The Chronicles of the Host Biblical fantasy series by D. Brian Shafer.

Rising Darkness

Israel establishes herself in the land of promise, in spite of Lucifer’s unholy efforts. A satanic shift in strategy occurs as Lucifer forsakes the simple elimination of one family that might carry the Seed. Book 1 of The Chronicles of the Host Biblical fantasy series by D. Brian Shafer.

Unholy Empire

The prophetic clock is ticking. Lucifer and his army of “imps” search frantically for the prophetic “seed of the woman,” prophesied by God to rise up and crush the serpent’s head. Book 2 of The Chronicles of the Host Biblical fantasy series by D. Brian Shafer.

The World In Shadow

They battled evil at the gates of Heaven and rediscovered the power of faith. Now, Christopher, Jami, and Holli Lewis must guard the home front as Archangel Kaym and his minions wage war on Earth. Supernatural suspense by Theodore Beale.

The War In Heaven

Christopher Lewis is a boy with potential — potential for great good…and for great evil. And no one knows that better than Kaym, an angel-lord with incredible power, hell-bent on storming the gates of Heaven. Supernatural suspense by Theodore Beale.

Exile Of Lucifer

With a willing crew of equally ambitious angels, Lucifer creates a fifth-column of malcontents under the very throne of God. Hot on their heels, however, is a group of loyalists, led by Michael and Gabriel. Book 1 of The Chronicles of the Host Biblical fantasy series by D. Brian Shafer.

Beyond The Millennium

Paul Meier and Robert L. Wise provide a glimpse behind the veil of time, into the eye of the storm to witness how angels and demons battle for people’s hearts and souls. End times fiction. Sequel/parallel novel to The Third Millennium.

The Third Millennium

The Third Millennium paints a blood-chilling picture of the chaos and confusion of the end times as witnessed by one American family as narrated by their guardian angel, Michael. End-times fiction.
Piercing the Darkness by Frank Peretti

Piercing The Darkness

Across a vast panorama of heart-stopping action, Sally Roe’s journey is a penetrating portrayal of our times, a reflection of our wanderings, and a vivid reminder of the redemptive power of the Cross.
This Present Darkness, Frank E. Peretti

This Present Darkness

A skeptical reporter and a prayerful pastor are caught up in a hideous New Age plot to enslave the townspeople of Ashton.
“This Present Darkness’s 1986 publication may have seemed insignificant at the time, but Frank E. Peretti’s first supernatural thriller shook the foundations of Christian fiction.”
Lorehaven review, spring 2020

The Great Divorce

The writer, in a dream, finds himself in a bus which travels between Hell and Heaven. This is the starting point for an extraordinary meditation upon good and evil, God and sin, and the irreparable divide between Heaven and Hell.