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Daniel and the Triune Quest, Nathan Lumbatis

Daniel and the Triune Quest

Daniel survived one quest, but the quest for the Triune Shield will require a face to face battle with a psychopathic goddess of pestilence.
Daniel and the Sun Sword, Nathan Lumbatis

Daniel and the Sun Sword

Daniel gets more than he bargained for when the God of Life sets him on a quest to fight the god of the underworld.
The Lost Prophet, James B. McPike

The Lost Prophet

After one of the Holy Land’s most sacred monuments is destroyed, the Ministry has to turn to their most prolific investigator to solve the case—Vince Ramsey.

Fallen From Babel

Peter Thornton doesn’t believe in one God. “All paths are valid,” he teaches his university students. Until at the touch of an ancient artifact, he is transported three thousand years back in time to Old Testament Babylon. By T.L. Higley.

Marduk’s Tablet

When the unexplainable begins to happen, Emilie Nazzaro finds herself probing the deep mysteries of life–and wondering if she, too, will fall prey to Marduk’s tablet. Supernatural thriller by T.L. Higley.
The Door in the Dragon's Throat (1989)

The Door in the Dragon’s Throat

Jay and Lila plunge down into the Dragon’s Throat, determined to find out what awaits them on the other side of the Door.