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The Magic of Redemption by Jessica Sly

The Magic of Redemption

Can Adelynn and Baze overcome the obstacles and lies that separate them … or is redemption just out of reach?
The Art of Misdirection, Jessica Sly

The Art of Misdirection

Adelynn wrestles to escape her recurring nightmares of the Irish magician, while Baze seeks the city’s legendary waters.

Mariah’s Dream

Every garden and field that was once lush with crops is now lifeless muck. And yet Mariah holds one seed … the seed of hope.
Into a Strange Land, Ben Anderson

Into A Strange Land

Grandpa has been hiding a secret in the Potato cellar—a relic from a lost age of Ireland that leads to the world of the Others.
Taming the Goblin, Ben Anderson

Taming The Goblin

Frederick must choose to become truly human, or become like a goblin, while the goblin, Nous, must choose to stay a goblin, or become more human.
The Witch and the Waking Tree, Ben Anderson

The Witch and The Waking Tree

Colleen and Frederick encounter the terrible witch that has ruled the strange land into which they have fallen.