Dark Biology

Abord the International Space Station, vaccinologist “Hildi” Hildebrandt wants a Nobel Prize. But her brother Chet despises her, his father, and the CDC—and will release a virus to get his revenge.
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The Fifth Man by John B. Olson and Randall Ingermanson

The Fifth Man

Valkerie Jansen is tough, beautiful, and soon to be the most envied woman on earth. Every man on the planet is in love with her—and she’s just discovered life on Mars.
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Zero-G by Alton Gansky


Suspended seventy miles above Earth, Tuck has no choice but to place his life in God’s hands—a God he has found it hard to trust since a deadly tragedy in space over a year before.
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The Fifth Man

During the first manned mission to Mars, Valkerie Jansen has made the discovery of a lifetime: evidence of past life on Mars.
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Ice by Shane Johnson


In an alternate-historical February 1975, Commander Gary Lucas and Lunar Module pilot Charlie Shepherd set out to explore a vast, mysterious depression at the lunar south pole.
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In the year 2012, astronaut Valkerie Jansen’s life dreams become nightmares as an explosion cripples her spacecraft on the first voyage to Mars.
In this 2002 near-future sci-fi, John N. Olson and Randy Ingermanson write fit and smart, minding their science yet prioritizing human souls.
Lorehaven review, spring 2020
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