West Oversea

In the year 1001, Erling Skjalgsson, carries on his dream of a Christian Norway that preserves its traditional freedoms. But his and others’ westward voyage will be longer and more dangerous than they ever imagined. Historical fantasy by Lars Walker.
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The Year Of The Warrior

Ironically, though “Father” Aillil is as phony as a three-dollar psalm, he alone must convert a fiercely pagan people to Christ — and they don’t want to hear about it. Nor do their “gods,” who are all too real. Historical fantasy by Lars Walker.

Erling’s Word

Vikings had killed Ailill’s parents and forced him into slavery. Then he was mistaken for a priest and rescued by a Norwegian noble. Now “Father” Ailill must face the dangers of life in a hostile land. Historical fantasy by Lars Walker.

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