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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Brandon peels back the layers of a deepening conspiracy and discovers everything he thought he knew about his reality is a lie. And he’s the only one who can save it.
Ten months after Dave and Jen Williams join the Body of Christ, the Federal Bureau of Terrorism targets their muscle-cell. A traitor running for her life — is she a One State double-agent? Book 2 of The Underground series, cyberpunk/science fiction for all ages.
Peacekeepers bust a home-church in Chicago. Brother and sister, Dave and Jen Williams, are the only members who evade capture. Their only place to turn? A Christian ‘terrorist’ cell known as the Body of Christ. Book 1 of The Underground series, cyberpunk/science fiction for all ages.
When Christian and gene-splicing technician Tamara Mack instructed to graft the AIDS virus onto an airborne particle, her refusal exposes a terrorist plot threatening everyone on earth. Book 3 of the Ethan Hamilton Technothrillers Trilogy series by Jefferson Scott.
What rules apply when the killer isn’t human? When people begin dying in bizarre accidents, it is once again up to Christian programmer Ethan Hamilton to save users from high-tech destruction. Book 2 of the Ethan Hamilton Technothrillers Trilogy series by Jefferson Scott.