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Hutch is a newspaper columnist, single dad … and last defense against a lunatic’s high-tech killing machine. Book 2 of the John Hutchinson series, thriller/contemporary science fiction for adult readers.

A Form Of Godliness

Welcome to America: where every school child is completely healthy; where an all-embracing church speaks only of unconditional love and acceptance. Yet beneath the surface of this seeming utopia lies a horrifying darkness. By Shane Johnson.

The Lights Of Tenth Street

As angelic forces do battle behind the veil, it’s clear that the choice Doug and Sherry make … and how they confront the painful issues in their marriage … has the terrifying power to deepen — or illuminate — the spiritual darkness. Supernatural thriller by Shaunti Feldhahn.
The Face of God by Bill Myers

The Face Of God

His wife of twenty-three years has been murdered. His faith in God is crumbling before his very eyes. Now, with his estranged son, he sets out to find the supernatural stones spoken of in the Bible.