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Discover 1,420 listed novel titles and 327 reviews of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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Sandfly is alone, and Earth’s freedom relies on him and his newfound faith. But does his mission even matter? He’s a symbol for all that’s evil.
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The Superlative Stream

With his female companion, HardCandy, Sandfly travels across time and space to find the transmission that changed his life.
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A Star Curiously Singing (2016 edition) by Kerry Nietz

A Star Curiously Singing

Sandfly is a debugger. He is bought and paid for by his master in a future Earth living under sharia law. But now he’s been called into Earth orbit.
“At fifteen years old, Kerry Nietz’s provocative sci-fi stunner still shines timeless truth into a dark and droning world.”
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