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Can Sir Quinlan reunite the Valor Knights in time to save the people from the Dark Knight’s evil plot to rule the Kingdom of Arrethtrae, or will the Valor Knights lose the most important battle of all? Book 6 in The Knights of Arrethtrae medieval fantasy series by Chuck Black.
When decorated tournament knight Sir Rowan is attacked and left for dead, his world collapses. Then after Rowan heals, his beloved land of Cameria has fallen victim to the tyranny of the Dark Knight. Book 5, The Knights of Arrethtrae medieval fantasy series by Chuck Black.
Determined, smart and a master of both the sword and the bow, Lady Carliss has proven herself as a veteran Knight of the Prince. But can she save the kingdom before it’s too late? Book 4 of The Knights of Arrethtrae fantasy series by Chuck Black.
Sir Dalton, a knight in training, seems to have everything going for him. But something is amiss at the training camp. The Shadow Warrior has plans of his own. Book 3 of The Knights of Arrethtrae series by Chuck Black.
When Eirwyn is kidnapped by a ruthless tribe to serve as a sacrifice, Sir Bentley battles a vicious mountain creature to save her life. But soon he’s faced with an even bigger challenge. Book 2 of The Knights Of Arrethtrae fantasy series by Chuck Black.
A dangerous new order threatens the mission of the Knights of Arrethtrae. Only loyalty to the King can bring victory! Book 1 of The Knights Of Arrethtrae medieval fantasy series by Chuck Black.