/ Library / BookTags /The Wraithwood Trilogy series
Castelon, Alyssa Roat


Adelynn’s visions have returned. But this time, she’s not the only one seeing the future before it happens.
Mordizan, Alyssa Roat


The bane of Mordred, the son of Mordizan, and a millennia-old prophecy may provide what Brinnie needs to defeat the world of magic’s greatest threat.
“Alyssa Roat creates a thrilling sequel to Wraithwood, introducing new characters and moral quandaries in this Arthurian-inspired tale.”
Wraithwood, Alyssa Roat


An estranged uncle, a mysterious mansion, and Arthurian legend–together they lead to a world of magic and bloodthirsty wizards who want teenage Brinnie dead.
“This tale of wizards battling between our world and a parallel one conjures an enjoyable reading experience.”