City of End
With untapped power at her fingertips, can Aoire save her city from annihilation and also learn who she was called to be?
Katelyn E. Pfeiffer · October 2024 ·
science fiction for all teens+YA, teen girls+YA
The year is 4085. Aoire, a young woman with a hidden past, is living in secret in the underground cavern City of End. A great evil has been growing, waging war on the human race since the day a nuclear genocide eradicated the surface of the Earth in 3080.
Now on End’s most important day of the year, Aoire must reveal herself not only to all of End, but to the dark forces as well.
Can she find a way to save her city, while also navigating the destiny forced upon her and her desire to finally have a life to call her own?
Book 1 of the The Provenance Chronicles series.
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