Khomar and Aya must travel their own paths as they seek to save their dear friends in Virados from an impending invasion.
M. B. Aznoe · November 2019 ·
fantasy for all adults, men
The city of Virados lies in the cross hairs, and the fate of the Dalminian people hangs in the balance. Khomar alone is in a position to thwart the enemy invasion, but his forces are greatly outnumbered. As Aya travels south toward the Terawk Mountains to seek the aid of the legendary Tyrinian Kyan, Khomar heads east in a desperate attempt to somehow slow the Dormankye advance.
New dangers and dark surprises await them at every turn, and they are faced with choices neither of them are prepared to make. Will their faith be enough to sustain them beneath the crushing weight of sacrifice?
Book 3 of the Swordflower Saga series.
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