Protection. Justice. Order.
Three words that haunt Reverie Adams every day.
For years, the government has advertised the Draft as necessary to preserve the future of Ordinem. Sacrifice a little freedom for the protection of all. But for Rev, that sacrifice struck a little too close to home.
Known to most of Ordinem as the Archer, Rev has turned vigilante with a single mission: to avenge her little sister’s disappearance eleven years ago and eliminate those responsible for the Draft. Upon taking out her latest targets, however, Rev makes a discovery that derails her plans: TJ and Riya Collins, their two secret children. Against her better judgment, Rev takes on the responsibility of keeping the two safe. And, despite her efforts, she forms a tenuous bond with them.
When the leader of the Draft puts a target on TJ’s back, Rev will have to risk everything for the people she cares about–even if it means putting her mission on the line and confronting the shadows of her past.
Book 1 of the The Drafted Series.
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