Enoch Primordial
“Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.”
The Watchers: Sons of Elohim fallen to earth enslaving mankind with secret plans of conquest.
The Nephilim: The genetic offspring of the Watchers and human women. They are huge, organized, violent, and very hungry.
Enoch: A wise sage and holy man who is called by God to pronounce judgment on the fallen angels and their giant progeny, the Nephilim.
Methuselah: Son of Enoch. He has a passionate lust for life and earthy experience that puts him at odds with his otherworldly father.
Edna: Young wife of Methuselah. Bred in the palace to be married to a god, she is rescued by Methuselah and taught how to read, write, and fight without losing her feminine wiles.
Uriel: The guardian angel of the line of the Chosen Seed. He is smaller than the other archangels, so he makes up for it with his sharp intelligence, acerbic wit, and master swordplay.
Ohyah: A Nephilim who receives dreams from God and wants to repent and join Enoch’s band to redeem himself.
Lamech: Son of Methuselah. The line of the Chosen Seed, who discovers that the Cursed One is hunting him for revenge against God.
“Enoch walked with God, and he was not, for God took him.” That’s all the primeval history of Genesis tells us about this enigmatic holy man of the primordial generation. The ancient Book of Enoch tells us that he pronounced judgment on the fallen Watchers and their giant progeny, the Nephilim of Genesis chapter 6. But what if that holy calling meant that Enoch was a giant killer?
This second novel in the saga Chronicles of the Nephilim tells the story of the Fall of the Watchers from heaven and the rise of the Nephilim generations before the Flood. Journey with Enoch the giant killer and his small band of family warriors who seek outlaw giants for bounty, but stumble upon a conspiracy of the Watchers that is so evil, it will change the universe forever if God does not stop them.
Book 2 of The Chronicles of the Nephilim series.
Great book. Don’t have to read vol. 1 first. Very good fusion of biblical people and events, myth and fantasy.
There are but a handful of vague references to Enoch in the Bible. One of those is one of the most enigmatic passages in the Bible, for it states Enoch was taken by God and did not die. That, combined with the non-canonical book I Enoch and its writings on the Watchers (another little-explained item in the Bible), has made Enoch long the center of speculation. Who was he? What did he do? Brian Godawa attempts to answer these mysteries in the second volume of his epic-ancient-history-based series, Enoch Primordial.
In his first book, Noah Primeval, the premise was, what had the world degenerated to that required its destruction? In that world the Nephilim controled the world, filling it with their evil corruptions. In Enoch we see how those beings rose to power and the first rebellions against them.
This book is actually a prequel to the first. I suspect the author released his story on Noah first because he is better known. In esoteric circles, Enoch is at the center of speculation on the nature of the Nephilim, The Watchers and Sons of God. In the appendix to the first book, Godawa delves into the biblical and historical backgrounds of these enigmas and also draws from the myths of contemporary cultures to the ancient Hebrews. The question is posed, what if those myths, and the Nephilim of the Bible, were references to the fallen beings of heaven?
That premise underlies Enoch and Godawa creates an action-laced adventure full of fantastic beings and battles that draws on the whispers of history. The early pre-Abraham chapters of Genesis have the feel of great antiquity – almost an outline of the distant past, short of detail. While Godawa’s book is fiction – and perhaps the best of a new sub-genre of fantasy sometimes referred to speculative fiction – he has managed to piece together a story that is not only gripping, but with more hints of truth than all the oddball, esoteric “nonfiction” writers out there.
In the appendix he gives more background detail to his story. I generally don’t like when authors start explaining things, but here it adds to the story, making one wonder where fiction ends and fact begins. His stories are set during the Late Bronze Age or thereabouts. I would argue that these stories are much older and far removed from us. Nevertheless, whatever or preconceived notions are about a novel that draws from biblical accounts, if you are a fan of fantasy or historical adventure, this series should be on your must read list.