Khomar, Aya, and Kintrye face overwhelming obstacles as Dormankye forces pour into Jyrya like a flood.
M. B. Aznoe · August 2024 ·
fantasy for all adults, men
The king of Jyrya is dead, and a typhoon has left the capital city in tatters. Khomar, Aya, and Kintrye find themselves in a race to get away from the lords of the Three Rivers before they get swept into the impending civil war.
However, even Illisya is not all it seems, and soon they find themselves caught within the mechanisms of deceitful men. Echoes of the past dog their every step even as new challenges rise up to meet them. When the forces of Dormank threaten to overwhelm them, can they find the faith to follow the glimmer of light that shines out in the darkness around them?
Book 5 of the Swordflower Saga series.
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