Outlaw City
Faith, where are you? What have I done? What is the point of my story?
Life in World City has never been easy for Noe Ryker. Growing up in the Gray Zone as an orphan whose parents were killed for their beliefs did not exactly set him up for success or happiness. Whether he’s being harassed by The Law, being ordered around by meddling robots, or always being forced to bow down to the tyrannical King, Noe has been wandering lost for too long, saying “Yes” to whatever the world tells him, when he was born to say “No.”
All of that changes on one fateful night when he meets Faith. A woman—or spirit—he thought he once knew, but is about to find out she is more powerful than he could have ever imagined. Driven by a sense of purpose for the first time, Noe sets out on a new path. One filled with dangerous heroes, nightmarish villains, and haunting memories of stories long forgotten.
Hatching a plot to take down the King and liberate the city will require this Outlaw to find it within himself to speak boldly, act courageously, and hold on to what he knows is true, even as the shadows of doubt and the darkness of fear grow all around him.
Outlaw or loyal follower? Lunatic or true believer? Revolutionary or slave? These are the choices Noe must make to answer the most important question of his life: What does he really believe?
Book 2 of the The World City Saga series.
This sequel (although it can stand alone) to “Strange City,” surpasses the first. The protagonist, Noe, at first glance, seems as bland & stuck as all the other citizens in the Grey Zone. What sets him apart is his ability to remember his parents’ example during his formative years & later to courageously ask questions. He’s an angry young man, despairing his existence in a tyrannical system, & yet, he dares to think, to question, & eventually to act. One pervasive inquiry is what is Faith & where does Faith fit in, if at all.
Captivating & fast paced, it is a thought-provoking read. You might even find some answers to your own questions.