
Delivered through the polar ice by a whale, their journey is nothing short of miraculous and their mission is nothing short of impossible.
· November 2005 · for , ,

A new ark. An ancient enemy. Young warriors fighting the darkness.

Delivered through the polar ice by a whale, their journey is nothing short of miraculous and their mission is nothing short of impossible. Their quest is to reclaim God’s birthright and preserve the original creation that is being mutated out of existence.

This daring team roams the blighted earth. They are Outriders, young warriors who wield swords and wits to protect the birthrighter camps.

When rookie birthrighters arrive from the Ark, however, the battle turns into something no one expected. Not only must they battle the merciless warload Alrod and his horde of gigantic mutants, but a new and more powerful enemy has revealed itself, a darkness that threatens to destroy the world they’ve been charged to save.

Book 1 of The Birthright Project series.

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