Arthur is King—but darkest evil has descended upon Britain’s shores in many guises. Meanwhile, his most trusted counselor Merlin is himself to be tested on a mystical journey through his own extraordinary past.
Stephen R. Lawhead · December 1994 ·
fantasy for all adults, men, women
Darkness descends upon the land and threatens all the High King has battled to save.
At the dawn of his reign, a young king must prove his greatness … or forfeit a realm.
Arthur is King—but darkest evil has descended upon Britain’s shores in many guises. In this black time of plague and pestilence, Arthur’s most trusted counselor Myrddin — the warrior, bard, and kingmaker whom legend will name Merlin—is himself to be tested on a mystical journey through his own extraordinary past. So the noble king must stand alone against a great and terrible adversary. For only thus can he truly win immortality—and the name he will treasure above all others: Pendragon.
Book 4 of The Pendragon Cycle series.
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