
To keep this world from destroying his sanity, in the end, he must keep his sanity from destroying him.
· December 2024 · for
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In the underground city of Apocalypse, one man’s fight for his mind is key to his survival in this dystopian thriller. Set eighty years after the nuclear destruction of the Earth’s surface the Narrator details his life as a Primary—one of three castes in this new society—while simultaneously living a double life as an Unthinker: a person who challenges the ideas of the Operator, the artificial superintelligence in charge of running Apocalypse.

The Narrator works at the Bureau of Operations as a photojournalist for the Apocalypse Now Newspaper, under the employment of his charming yet enigmatic boss, Frank Freeman, who is also a member of a higher caste of citizens called the Engineers.

The Narrator relays how he’s developed a strange attraction toward a mysterious woman from work who also appears to share in this attraction as well, suspecting she too could be an Unthinker. Fearing it might be a trap set by the Psi-Ops, he doesn’t pursue a relationship with her—until one day, while taking the subway home from work, he has a bizarre encounter with her. It’s only after parting that he realizes they’ve somehow swapped briefcases. Upon opening the briefcase, he discovers he’s now come in possession of an artifact that destroys everything he once believed about Apocalypse—and has the power to change the world.

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