Ranger’s Calling: The Fires of Wynchell

Young Ranger Galieb Half-elfin faces many trials as he set out on his first adventure, meeting many fantastical creatures and heroes along the way.
· March 2025 · for ,
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A far greater calling than He imagined. One that will test all his skills and wisdom.

Young Galieb trained among the elite Qoholet, a hidden society of highly skilled and learned rangers sages. But even among this tight knit community, he feels like an outsider, known as the “Half-elfin.” Ready to find adventure and discover his destiny, the ranger travels north, following rumors of brutal raiders known as eshkin. But as Galieb fights eshkin, he believes there may be something else behind the dead sheep and missing villagers. Will he break under the fiery trials or emerge reforged?

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