Resistant: Revolt of the Jews

· May 2018 · for

It’s A.D. 67. Nero’s Roman armies plunder the land of Israel, led by General Vespasian and his son Titus, whose ruthless strategy threatens his affair with Jewish princess Berenice.

Christians Alexander and Cassandra return to Jerusalem to help the sick, wounded and orphans of war. But they are opposed by the apostate Jacob, who hates Christians and wants to make them suffer.

The Two Witnesses begin their proclamation of God’s judgment as the Roman abomination of desolation approaches the holy city.

The trumpets are sounding, the seals are broken and the bowls are poured out.

The four angels bound at the river Euphrates are about to be unleashed with the demons of hell.

Book 3 of the Chronicles of the Apocalypse series.

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