The Blood-Dimmed Tide

Scruggs, Penny, Jack, and Jean join in the fight to defeat the unearthly power that is destroying the innocent and the vulnerable.
· May 2024 · for ,

The nation is terrorized by unearthly storms and natural catastrophes. Doc Thorson himself goes mad and has to be restrained. And out in the desert in Jordan, a living Sphinx rises from the sands. Everything points to the fulfillment of a prophecy of a terrifying new era of bloodshed. Is the world on the edge of apocalypse? Scruggs, Penny, Jack, and Jean join in the fight to defeat the unearthly power that is destroying the innocent and the vulnerable. They are helped by a mysterious visitor who tries to warn them of their danger. An intense, apocalyptic story of courage, tragedy, and Christian faith and integrity.

Book 6 of The Peabody High Mysteries series

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