The Day She Died
If a middle-aged time traveler can prevent the 20-year-old murder of his college fiancee, what happens to his wife and children?
Bill Garrison · October 2014 ·
fantasy for all adults, all teens+YA
One morning he wakes up 20 years earlier and finds himself a student at the University of Oklahoma again on the day she died. In a journey that takes months, he stumbles over people connected to Kim’s disappearance and puzzles over connecting the dots.
Oddly enough, things are different when he relives sections of his life. For example, as a teen he plays baseball and as an adult he discovers what it’s like to be a Christian pastor, things he never did before.
Can he find some answers about Kim and about his own life? Or prevent Kim’s death? And if he succeeds in changing history, what happens to his wife and kids?
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