The Prophet Of Lamath
When it comes to dragons, two heads are worse than one …
Beware the Dragon! The dragon was divided! Its two heads, Vicia and Heinox, were fighting for control of its massive body. For centuries, it had sat quietly at Dragonsgate, content with its tribute of slaves for food. Now it took to the air, burning villages at random throughout the Three Lands to vent its rage and confusion.
With Dragonsgate open for the passage of armies, war and chaos beset all the Lands. It was all the fault of Pelmen the player, who had confused the heads to gain escape for himself and the Princess Bronwynn. Pelmen the player, Pelmen the powershaper — now Pelmen the Prophet of the Power! And only Pelmen could end the evils that threatened to destroy everything.
But Pelmen was helpless, locked in the King’s dungeon, waiting to be executed on the drawing blocks. Should he escape, the prophecy of the Priestess foretold an even more terrifying fate at the mouths of the dragon!
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