The Silver Hand
King Meldryn Mawr is dead, and his kingdom lies in ruins. Albion is the scene of an epic struggle for the throne.
Stephen R. Lawhead · January 1992 ·
fantasy for all adults, men
“Before Albion is one, the hero feat must be performed and Silver Hand must reign.”
The great king, Meldryn Mawr, is dead, and his kingdom lies in ruins. Treachery and brutality rule the land, and Albion is the scene of an epic struggle for the throne.
Lewis is now known as Llew in this Otherworld, and he has become a threat to the usurper Meldron. Exiled and driven from the clan, he must seek the meaning behind a mysterious prophecy — the making of a true king and the revealing of a long-awaited champion: Silver Hand.
Book 2 of The Song of Albion Trilogy series.
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