Trouble in Heaven

In the beginning, The Alpha created the heavens and the earth; this story begins before that.
, · November 2024 · for

If Love requires free will, how could it be so right and yet go so wrong.

Before the beginning of time, the Alpha, the divine creator of the universe, spoke the Spiritual Realm into existence, filling it with angelic beings gifted with creativity and divine beauty. However, something rotten now brews below the surface.

In such a wonderful place, how is it possible for evil to take root, spreading through the Kingdom like a weed? Free will is a tricky thing, and though The Alpha knows it is the key to true love, it breaks His heart to see it abused.

With the assistance of His archangels, The Alpha must face his fallen angels in an epic recounting of the days of old, the battle that changed humanity’s fate, and the provisions He put in place to save his beloved people and one day regain the Keys.

Book 1 of the The Trouble Series.

Have you read Trouble in Heaven ? Share your own review.

  1. Read and loved the book. What a refreshing way to view Pre-Genesis and the Fall. The interaction between the angels is fantastic. So many fun characters.

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