War Of Attrition

Ten months after Dave and Jen Williams join the Body of Christ, the Federal Bureau of Terrorism targets their muscle-cell. A traitor running for her life — is she a One State double-agent? Book 2 of The Underground series, cyberpunk/science fiction for all ages.
· October 2010 · for


Ten months after Dave and Jen Williams join the Body of Christ, the Federal Bureau of Terrorism targets their muscle-cell.

A traitor running for her life — is she a One State double-agent?

Calamity Kid, e-girl, and the Body of Christ fight to evade their hunters, and confront the Unholy Trinity.

Book 2 of The Underground series, cyberpunk/science fiction for all ages.

Frank Creed is on a roll! He remains spot-on in his Bible doctrine, but if Volume 1 was a fast ride, this is one is souped-up. The hero and heroine go deeper into iniquity’s lair, carrying the Good Fight to the enemy (much to the evil enemy’s discomfiture). The battle becomes more serious, and way more dangerous. Actually, towards the end the story passed me by, leaving me in a cloud of dust. I really thought Mr. Creed had just gone off the rails entirely. But when I looked at the back of the book (relax, no “Spoiler Alert” is needed here) his note about sources cleared it right up. What he was describing has already been undergoing tests by the U.S. Pentagon’s DARPA projects. I can hardly wait to get into Volume 3. Listen, y’all, you won’t find a better bargain for your $2.99.

— William Fletcher (review published at Amazon.com)

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