Summer 2018

Explore Lorehaven Magazine’s summer 2018 issue.
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Captain’s Log

E. Stephen Burnett

Lorehaven’s mission: to chase fantasy joys all the way back to their Giver.

Book Reviews

Lorehaven review team

Featured Review: Fawkes

Lorehaven review team

In 17th century London, Thomas joins his father’s gunpowder plot to blow up the king of England.

‘I Process Big Questions Through Story’

Interview with novelist Nadine Brandes

Nadine Brandes loves heroes who fight to find themselves in the color of truth.

How to Become a Spiritually Leveled-Up Christian Geek

Paeter Frandsen

God encourages us to be kind and compassionate, even in our fandom fights.

How Does Your Family Read Fantasy?

Marian Jacobs

Parents, try these tips to help children mature as fantasy readers.

Sponsored review: The Sorcerer’s Bane

Lorehaven review team

C. S. Wachter flings thematic windows open to sunlight and storms.

New Worlds: Horror Reveals Human Sin in the Dark

Mike Duran

Classic novels and films trace their fears all the way back to the Bible.

Sponsored review: Journey Into Legend

Lorehaven review team

All this story’s realism and complexity wraps around an old, blazing vision.

Sponsored review: Road of the Lost

Lorehaven review team

Aidan Russell creates action-driven fantasy of all the good old things.

Folklore: Flood Legends Rise from the Depths of History

Tim Chaffey

From the Bible to modern flood fiction, we keep encountering Noah’s Ark.

Roundtable: Engaging That @&*% Our Stories Often Say

Laura VanArendonk Baugh, Morgan Busse, Mike Duran, Steve Rzasa, E. Stephen Burnett

Our expert panel explores how Christians discern ‘bad words’ in fiction.

Lorehaven helps fans of all ages explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Find the newest fiction for young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that engage the best Christian-made fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to join our Guild for monthly book quests!
Lorehaven helps fans of all ages explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Find the newest fiction for young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that engage the best Christian-made fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to join our Guild for monthly book quests!

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