Clive Staples Award 2014 Winner: Patrick W. Carr

A Cast of Stones author Patrick W. Carr has won the 2014 Clive Staples Award for best Christian speculative fiction.
E. Stephen Burnett on May 31, 2014 · 2 replies
A Cast of Stones author Patrick W. Carr has won the 2014 Clive Staples Award for best Christian speculative fiction.
The winner was announced at last night’s Realm Makers conference costume banquet in Philadelphia, Penn.
Other nominees for the CSA were Truth Runner author Jerel Law at third place and Dragonwitch author Anne Elisabeth Stengl in second place. Stengl also won the 2013 Clive Staples Award.
You can read more from Patrick W. Carr here at SpecFaith or learn about the award at the Clive Staples Award’s blog.
Congratulations to Patrick W. Carr! I love his books and recommend them highly!
And he is very honored. I should know, I caught up with him this morning and he told me so.