‘DarkTrench’ Begins: E-book On Sale

For a limited time, the first volume of Kerry Nietz’s science-fiction series The Dark Trench Saga is just under a dollar.
You can download A Star Curiously Singing to Kindle software or devices here.
From novelist Morgan L. Busse’s review:
Imagine if you could connect to the Internet with just your mind. Imagine that connection is possible because of an implant in your brain. Imagine it’s the future, a future where Islam is the main religion.
[…] Every time I had a free moment (or could make one by leaving the dishes in the sink) I went back to reading. The writing is magnetically engaging, Sandfly a deep and complex character, the storyworld fascinating.
From my review:
Nietz knows his Islam, but also knows how to craft a fully-realized, vivid, dusty, machinery-humming science-fiction world. His first-person style is immediate and not merely the result of a trend. Supporting characters are sympathetic and real. And Sandfly is a remarkable hero.
[…] Dust. Heat or cold. Metal. Code-and-command singing from machines. All seems vivid to me even as I recall the story-world to write this. The story’s style itself resembles a song. Even apart from the God-exalting hero, plot, villains, and characters, this lifts Him up in worship.
Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)