Dave Barry Plugs ‘Amish Vampires In Space’

“If you read only one book on this topic this year, make it this one.”
on Oct 16, 2013 · 3 replies

Humor columnist Dave Barry may no longer be writing humor columns for the Miami Herald. But he still blogs sporadically, most recently about a certain silly-titled but straight sci-fi novel featured at SpecFaith.1


Amish Vampires in Space

(Thanks to wiredog)

That’s it. So one might doubt we’ll see a future printing of AViS with a front-page endorsement from Barry as an actual reader. But it’s enough to start a nice long conversation among readers who would ordinarily not know of this/these genre(s).
E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)

  1. bainespal says:

    I wonder what he means by “this topic.”

    • Pretty sure the topic he’s referencing is that of Amish vampires in space. It’s a humorous plug because Amish Vampires in Space is the only book ever written about Amish vampires in space.

      And now it’s not funny anymore, because I just explained it. Sorry.

  2. It’s a joke. If, for example, a political book comes out, people may say, “If you read only one book on politics this year, make it this one.”

    And so, here Dave Barry is saying, “If you read only one book on [Amish vampires in space] this year, make it this one.” Because, you know, it’s the only book on Amish vampires in space.

    Likely enough Barry will never read the book.

What say you?

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