Enclave Publishing Launches Kickstarter Campaign

No word on whether recognizing the reference will deepen your discount.
This just in for the publisher formerly known as Marcher Lord Press: If you help them relaunch as Enclave Publishing, you can get early and discounted access to the rebooted publisher’s five upcoming titles.
With five new books in the works, Enclave Publishing, formerly Marcher Lord Press, is exhilarated to invite you into the expedition. Get early access and exclusive discounts only here on Kickstarter. We’d be so grateful.
So if you’re ready to suit up with Enclave, and enter a domain of hardly imaginable, Christ-centered epic adventures, step through the portal and see what a difference your pledge can make today.
Head to the Kickstarter page and you can also get a preview of upcoming cover art. Such as this new new new new new new cover for Firebird — 6.0?
It is the third solo iteration of Firebird by Kathy Tyers.
The first was the original Bantam edition but with limited faith elements.
The second was the one I helped edit in 1999 for Bethany House.
In 2011 it was released in a 3-in-1 trilogy with annotations.
I thought it would be fun to bring back one of the classic Christian science-fiction titles to a new generation of reader who have been unable to buy the solo volumes for many years. And technically it could be seen as a 15th anniversary edition.
Getting a cool new cover was a bonus.
My wife saw the cover and said, “Looks like Scarlett Johansson.”