Join Our March 11 Livestream Exploring Christian Reactions to Fandom Cancel Culture

This March 11, E. Stephen Burnett hosts a Realm Makers livestream to explore how Christians might enjoy great stories while still identifying idols.
on Feb 22, 2021 · Share a reply

Edit, March 11: Because of a personal family crisis, we’ve had to cancel this livestream. We’ll reschedule it on a future date.

You’ve likely read about this week’s Texas snowfall and electric power problems. These have prevented our next podcast episode release, which is now rescheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 23. We’ve also rescheduled a next livestream with Realm Makers. That has been moved to Thursday, March 11.

How Can We React When Fantasy Creators Get Cancelled?

When actors are fired from fantastic shows and directors get shunned for on-set scandals, what’s a Christian fan to think? Lorehaven’s E. Stephen Burnett explores how Christians might enjoy great stories while still identifying the idols that hide behind the scenes.

Save your place now for the 8 p.m. Thursday, March 11 event. The livestream will also mirror to Facebook video on the Realm Makers page. But you can only chat and interact using the Realm Makers portal on Crowdcast. is created by biblical Christian fans and storytellers to explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Use our powerful book search engine to find great Christian-made fantastical fiction for your family—sorting by young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that go deeper into fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to get resources by email and join the Guild!

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