Live From Realm Makers: Day Two

Accompanying these rotating announcements are the soundtracks from How to Train Your Dragon, The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey, Star Trek, and Captain America: The First Avenger. In other words, conference organizer Rebecca P. Minor stole my playlist.
Last night I announced the winner of the 2013 Clive Staples Award.
Today is the Realm Makers conference’s second and final day.
Already we’ve had a round-table discussion on science and magic, featuring Kathy Tyers, Grace Bridges, Kat Heckenbach, Andrew Winch, and Matt Yocum. Even as I type this, Bryan Davis is outlining The Hero’s Journey and why it works, and how authors can follow it.
Next events include:
- Robert Treskillard: THIRST — how to keep the reader turning pages
- Panel: Small Publishing 101, how it works, the road ahead
- Matt Yocum: Building Your Idea Into Comics
- Grace Bridges: Spotlight on Splashdown
- Grace Bridges: From Science Face to Science Fiction
- On the Spot: Would this Manuscript make the cut?
- Andrew Winch and Ben Wolf: Annoncement of Splickety Flash Fiction contest winner
- Jeff Gerke: Closing Keynote
- Group Signing with author Q and A, meet-n-greet
As with yesterday, follow photos from the conference by friending Speculative Faith on Facebook.
I’m also live-Tweeting the event, @SpecFaith with the hashtag #RealmMakers.
Tweets about “#realmmakers”
Thanks so much for all the tweets: hopefully I’ll be able to contribute next time.
The complete and utter sadness that I didn’t get to go (knew about it literally one day before it happened) and the delight that it exists (and that someone stole my idea, why is it I react happily when people steal my ideas? It’s the iPad all over again) contrast sharply in my soul.
Most amazing this ever (well, there’s a youth writer’s conference that’s pretty awesome too, but still). Delight and tears.
Does anyone know what website/newsletter I should be watching to know about the next one? Please telling me they’re doing it next year!