Lorehaven Has Now Become A Monthly Webzine, Sharing News and Beyond

As of today, Lorehaven.com has installed a significant upgrade, including this new space to share short news updates.
on Jan 1, 2021 · Share a reply

As of today, Lorehaven has installed a significant upgrade.

We’re no longer a quarterly magazine/webzine. Now, we have made the jump into a monthly webzine.

This new space at Lorehaven.com will share short news updates. We’ll cover upcoming features, new book releases, and trending issues of interest to Christian fans. That includes the very purpose for Lorehaven’s change. It’s detailed in our new winter 2020 issue‘s cover story:

Our last fully printed issue arrived in spring 2020. Then event cancellations kept us from designing and printing further print issues, or reaching new readers in person.

Existing fans, however, did not change much. While movie theaters shut down and filmmakers struggled with streaming, many book fans found more time for reading. They still want resources for finding the best fantastic stories. Books keep selling. Not even digital copies are pushing “real” books off the shelves. People love books.

To help share these joys with more readers, Lorehaven will go all-digital.

Lorehaven’s mission

Our mission isn’t simply to promote fantastical stories to niche audiences. That’s only a great start. Nor do our reviewers and writers take so much time only to push a favorite hobby. Rather, we believe that fantastical stories uniquely glorify Jesus. His people, the Church, actually need these excellent, imaginative stories—just like we need great songs, more biblical sermons, and close fellowship with one another.

Lorehaven’s mission strategy

  1. Before: We shared limited articles. Now: We will share monthly articles from a larger super-team of creators, who apply fantasy’s wonders to real life in Christ. This comes along with continued articles from the original site, Speculative Faith!
  2. Before: We shared quarterly sets of reviews. Now: We will post reviews weekly.
  3. Before: We had fewer ad slots for authors to showcase their stories, joining our mission with theirs. Now: We’re adding more support for these great stories.
  4. Now: We will share short updates about new releases, or breaking/trending news.
  5. Now: We’re joining with allies to help connect all the circles of Christian fans.
  6. Now: We will keep sharing weekly episodes of the Fantastical Truth podcast.
  7. Finally: We’re emphasizing free email subscriptions so fans can receive what they need most. Follow us on social media! But the email subscription is best.

Read the complete cover story in the winter 2020 issue: “Only the Beginning of the Adventure.”

E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

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