Lorehaven Rejoins Realm Makers Bookstore at FPEA Homeschool Conference, May 27–29

An all-star cast unites next weekend in Orlando, including Julie Hall, James Hannibal, Matt Mikalatos, and Phil Lollar with Katie Leigh (“Adventures in Odyssey”).
on May 20, 2021 · Share a reply

Next weekend, Lorehaven arrives in Orlando for renewed questing with our Realm Makers Bookstore allies.

Realm Makers Bookstore will share its worlds of novels by Christian authors—fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond—at Florida Parent Educators Association, May 27–29 in Orlando. The bookstore will host several award-winning creators of Christian-made fantastical tales.

Authors speaking about Christian-made fantastic worlds

(Here’s the complete list. Times listed here are subject to change.)

Enter The Soundbooth With Phil Lollar and Katie Leigh!

  • Friday, May 28 at 11:30 a.m.
  • Featuring Phil Lollar, writer, voice actor, co-creator of audio drama Adventures in Odyssey
  • Featuring Katie Leigh, voice actor, including Connie Kendall and many characters from Adventures in Odyssey

Learn how voice actors create a character in this interactive demonstration of the process that goes into every episode of Adventures in Odyssey.

Make Your Student the Hero: Learning Through Story Interaction

  • Friday, May 28 at 11:30 a.m.
  • Featuring award-winning novelist James Hannibal

In this workshop, award-winning author and educational game developer James R. Hannibal shows teachers how to more fully engage students through story interaction. Working through the elements of story and his “story beats,” James helps teachers recognize key moments and questions that will help students see themselves within the literature of their curriculum.

Into the Wardrobe: Narnia as Teaching Tool

  • Friday, May 28 at 1 p.m.
  • Featuring YA fantasy novelist and nonfiction writer Matt Mikalatos

The seven Narnia books are widely enjoyed by kids of all ages, and have wonderful jumping off points for discussing things like theology, war, death, history and its effect on fiction, mythology, race, gender roles, and much, much more. Join Tor.com’s resident Lewis expert, Matt Mikalatos, as he lays out a path to exploring Lewis together with your students.

A Writer’s Guide to Other Worlds

  • Friday, May 28 at 3:30 p.m.
  • Featuring prolific sci-fi and fantasy novelist Steve Rzasa

You have the idea for a story. You know who the main character is. But the adventure doesn’t take place in a void. All tales have a home—a far off fantastic land; an exotic distant planet; a maze of buildings in a city’s urban sprawl. The question is, how do you make one of those? Author Steve Rzasa takes you through key steps in creating a believable yet unique world, by considering such factors as climate, time period, and technology—how those factors play off of each other and influence the characters through their impact on the way people talk, dress, and live their lives.

Why Do Your Kids Need Fantastic Stories for Christ’s Glory?

  • Friday, May 28 at 4:30 p.m.
  • Featuring The Pop Culture Parent author and Lorehaven publisher E. Stephen Burnett

Do your children or teens never stop reading fantastic fiction? Are they finishing dozens of novels each month, more than you could ever hope to read first? In this session, storyteller and author E. Stephen Burnett (The Pop Culture Parent) explores the biblical, practical reasons we actually need fantasy, sci-fi, and other stories that offer us many idols yet also graces. In light of the gospel, biblical Christian parents can engage fantastic stories to help our kids train to imagine our infinite God, our hero Jesus Christ, and our neighbors in the real world we are called to serve.

Help! What Is My Reader Reading?

  • Saturday, May 29 at 10:30 a.m.

This special Q and A panel features:

  • The Pop Culture Parent author and Lorehaven publisher E. Stephen Burnett
  • USA Today bestselling YA fantasy author Julie Hall
  • Award-winning novelist James Hannibal
  • YA fantasy novelist and nonfiction writer Matt Mikalatos
  • Fantasy novelist and Realm Makers co-founder Rebecca P. Minor
  • Prolific sci-fi and fantasy novelist Steve Rzasa

What’s the Point of Popular Culture and Why Should Parents Care?

  • Saturday, May 29 at 11:30 p.m.
  • Featuring The Pop Culture Parent author and Lorehaven publisher E. Stephen Burnett

For Christian parents, all these movies, shows, games, music, and beyond can feel overwhelming! Is there any point to all this popular culture, and why does it exist in God’s world in the first place? In this course, E. Stephen Burnett (coauthor of The Pop Culture Parent: Helping Kids Engage Their World for Christ, with Ted Turnau and Jared Moore) uses gospel perspective to discern the biblical purpose of popular culture. Then we discover five fantastic questions to help you and your kids explore stories and songs for God’s glory together.

Realm Makers Bookstore and Lorehaven at FPEA, Orlando, May 27–29, 2021

Authors meeting fans and signing books

Author spotlight

Friday, May 28

  • 1 p.m.: Matt Mikalatos
  • 2 p.m.: Steve Rzasa
  • 3 p.m.: E. Stephen Burnett
  • 4 p.m.: Phil Lollar and Katie Leigh

Saturday, May 29

  • 12 p.m.: Rebecca P. Minor
  • 1 p.m.: Julie Hall
  • 2 p.m.: James Hannibal
Lorehaven.com is created by biblical Christian fans and storytellers to explore fantastical stories for God’s glory. Use our powerful book search engine to find great Christian-made fantastical fiction for your family—sorting by young readers plus teens+YA and adults. Get articles and podcasts that go deeper into fantasy, sci-fi, and beyond. Subscribe free to get resources by email and join the Guild!

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