‘Please Do Not Bring Unbelievers To This Movie’ – Satan

The Left Behind movie boasts a very interesting backhanded endorsement.
on Sep 30, 2014 · 1 reply

The Left Behind Facebook page has provided some very interesting marketing for the motion picture that releases Oct. 3.

Here’s the latest.


Lots of people in the comments section are busily playing along(?) and rebuking Satan. They’re unaware of two things:

  1. Rebuking (or “binding”) Satan is odd. As John MacArthur points out, how do you know Satan is even listening?
  2. Does Satan even read Facebook comments? (Fact: Beelzebub is most often active in YouTube comments and on 4Chan.)

Previous Facebook images for Left Behind include normal promotions such as character stills and quotes, Bible verses, and countdowns. But then there are images like this.1


[Citation required.]



Actually doesn’t the previous existence of the scenario in fictional form nullify that potential alternate timeline?





Nicolas Cage knew it was coming.

Nicolas Cage knew it was coming.



Nicolas Cage … HIMSELF.

  1. Doesn’t matter. I’m still seeing Left Behind on Oct. 3 and I plan to enjoy it.
E. Stephen Burnett explores fantastical stories for God’s glory as publisher of Lorehaven.com and its weekly Fantastical Truth podcast. He coauthored The Pop Culture Parent and creates other resources for fans and families, serving with his wife, Lacy, in their central Texas church. Stephen's first novel, the sci-fi adventure Above the Circle of Earth, launches in March 2025 from Enclave Publishing. Full bio | contact

Share your thoughts, faithful reader (and stay wholesome!)

  1. Hatmovies says:

    They tried all the tactics on social media, but unfortunately it did not work. “Left Behind” looks promising from its trailer, and brings a little curiosity too, but the film was a disappointment. However, Nicolas Cage performance is good and connects well, and Cassi Thomson has played her important role well, she did a fair job to the character. Promotional strategies affect movies a lot, but filmmakers can’t fool audience like this. Not every film is epic, but it should be engaging till the end.

What say you?

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