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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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all results in Christian-made novels from NavPress
The world he knew is gone. Confident in his new Restorer signs, Jake crosses the portal into Lyric to stage a heroic rescue. But everything has changed.
Susan Mitchell sees herself as an ordinary soccer mom, until she’s pulled through a portal into another world, where a nation waits for a promised Restorer.
Rear Admiral John Wells didn’t hesitate to lead a third NASA team to Mars, but he never dreamed that one day they’d look out their laboratory module into the lights of a slow-moving vehicle not their own.
Captain John Wells and his NASA colleagues undertake an aggressive mission to the Red Planet, hoping to discover not only whether there is life on Mars but whether it is advanced and imperialistic.
Terrorists cripple the nation’s capital and security systems. While the world looks to the Middle East for blame, sudden images off the plains of Mars offer a staggering alternative.
History revolves around the life of a peasant born in the Middle East more than 2000 years ago. But what if that never happened … until now? Special Agent Alex Hunter’s efforts bring him to the brink of the most important discovery of his life. Biblical / alternate history thriller for teen readers.
A lover’s heartbreaking search and the astonishing restoration. The Chataine’s guardian, Roman, sees his dreams fulfilled beyond his wildest hopes when the armies invading Lystra are felled by disease and Roman’s Commander, Galapos, assumes rulership of the country. Moreover, Roman […]