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of the best Christian-made fantastical fiction.
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A devious plot threatens to overtake the spaceship Moon Racer as Tyce, Ashley, and the crew near the end of their six-month journey from Mars to Earth. Who’s the rebel mastermind? Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.
When Tyce’s best friend, Director Rawling McTigre, and three other scientists are buried alive on Mars, Tyce doesn’t think things can get any worse. But he is sorely mistaken. Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.
A deadly comet catapults toward Mars. Only one thing can break up the comet before it does damage: the new Hammerhead torpedo. Tyce Sanders only has two weeks to master it … and someone’s trying to stop him. Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.
As Tyce approaches the strange black boxes on the Martian landscape, he makes a startling discovery: one that could change life for everyone in the universe. That is, if he lives to uncover the truth. Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.
A tekkie is found unconscious in the plant lab. Worse, it looks like teeth and claws have ripped his space suit! Fourteen-year-old Tyce Sanders does not believe aliens exist, but this may force him to rethink this view. Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.
Oxygen is leaking out of the dome, and the scientists and tekkies are stumped. The next supply ship from Earth isn’t due for days. Will fourteen-year-old Tyce Sanders solve the mystery in time? Science fiction for teens by Sigmund Brouwer.